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About Us

Scope of the journal

M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal is a reputable publication that accepts a wide range of scholarly content in the field of medicine, including editorial, original and review papers, case reports, reports and commentaries, letters to the editor and conference proceedings. We cover all areas of Medicine, including Clinical and Basic Medical Sciences.

To ensure the highest ethical standards, all articles submitted to M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal must be written in adherence to the recommendations set forth in the Declaration of Helsinki, NIH guidelines for the care and use of laboratory animals, or the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. We prioritize the ethical conduct of research and encourage authors to follow these guidelines.

Furthermore, this journal is open to publishing conference announcements and proceedings, allowing researchers to disseminate important scientific findings and advancements to a wider audience.

We invite authors to submit their manuscripts to the M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal for consideration. By publishing in our esteemed journal, you have the opportunity to contribute to the body of medical knowledge and make a valuable impact in the field.

Editorial Policy

Authors are kindly requested to adhere to the guidelines provided by the M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal when preparing their manuscripts. It is essential that the format and style of the manuscript align with the instructions outlined in the authors’ guidelines. Failure to comply with these guidelines may result in the manuscript being returned to the authors for revision or potential rejection. Please note that this journal reserves the right to make any necessary formal changes and language corrections to accepted manuscripts to ensure compliance with the journal’s formatting requirements.

To ensure a smooth publication process, we kindly request authors to carefully review and follow the instructions provided in the authors’ guidelines of M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal. By doing so, authors can ensure their work meets the required standards and guidelines for publication in our esteemed journal.

Frequency of publication

M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal follows a biannual publication schedule, releasing 2 issues per year in January and July. Additionally, special editions may be planned based on the scope and demand of the journal. It is worth noting that this journal also publishes peer-reviewed papers from international and national conferences organized by esteemed research and academic institutions.

M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal is committed to providing a regular platform for the dissemination of valuable research in the medical field. Our biannual publication schedule ensures that the latest advancements and discoveries are promptly shared with the scientific community and the general public. Furthermore, to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange, we actively publish peer-reviewed papers from prestigious conferences conducted by renowned research and academic institutions.

We invite researchers, academicians, and conference participants to submit their high-quality manuscripts and conference papers to the M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal. By doing so, they can contribute to the global medical knowledge base and benefit from the exposure and recognition that our journal provides.

Submission of articles

Authors are warmly welcomed to submit their research articles and review papers to M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal. To ensure proper formatting, authors are kindly requested to adhere to the author guidelines provided. Submissions can be made through our online submission system.

We encourage authors to carefully follow the author guidelines of M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal when preparing their manuscripts. By doing so, authors can ensure that their submissions meet the required formatting standards and increase the chances of successful publication in our esteemed journal.

To submit your research articles and review papers, please visit our website. We look forward to receiving your valuable contributions and sharing your research with the wider medical community through the M Abdur Rahim Medical College journal.

Article processing

All submitted articles to M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal will undergo an initial editorial review process. If the articles are deemed suitable for publication, they will be sent for peer review. The selection of reviewers is at the discretion of the editor, and it is not mandatory to solely rely on reviewers referred by the authors.

Once the review process is completed and the article is accepted, the authors will be notified via email. They will also receive the galley proof, which requires their prompt attention. Authors are kindly requested to review and provide feedback on the galley proof within 7 days. Following the author’s response, the article will proceed to the publishing stage.

At M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal, we prioritize the thorough review of articles to ensure the quality and integrity of the published content. We value effective communication with authors throughout the publication process, and we appreciate their cooperation and timely feedback in finalizing the galley proof for publication.

Peer Review

The publication process for M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal is designed with the utmost focus on achieving high-quality content. Here are the steps involved:

Submission: Authors submit their manuscripts exclusively to M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal, certifying that the work has not been published or simultaneously submitted elsewhere.

Manuscript Acknowledgment: Upon receipt, all manuscripts are acknowledged, and a unique manuscript number is assigned.

Initial Suitability Review: The subject editor assesses each submission’s suitability for formal review. Manuscripts with plagiarism, serious scientific or technical errors, or lacking significant findings are rejected at this stage. Papers falling outside the scope of the journal may also be declined.

Formal Peer Review: Manuscripts that pass the initial screening undergo a thorough review process. Two or more reviewers are selected at the editor’s discretion, to provide expert evaluation.

Double Review: M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal strictly follows a double-blind review process, ensuring the anonymity of both authors and reviewers.

Editorial Decision: The Editorial Board members make the final decision on publication based on the feedback received from the reviewers. The corresponding author is notified of the acceptance, rejection, or need for revisions.

Revision and Response: If revisions are required, the corresponding author addresses each reviewer’s comments and provides an itemized response. The revised manuscript is submitted to the editor.

Satisfaction of Reviewers: The manuscript is accepted for publication only when both the editor and reviewers are satisfied with the revisions made.

Copy Editing: Accepted articles undergo copy editing for grammar, punctuation, print style, and format. Page proofs are sent to the corresponding author for review.

Correspondence: The corresponding author or their designee acts as the primary contact during the submission and review process on behalf of all co-authors.

M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal s committed to maintaining the highest standards in the publication process, ensuring the dissemination of valuable and accurate scientific knowledge.

Plagiarism Policy

For M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal, a comprehensive plagiarism check is conducted once a manuscript is submitted to the editorial office. If the percentage of detected plagiarism is less than 10%, the authors may be asked to revise the manuscript accordingly. However, manuscripts with substantial plagiarism, exceeding 15% of the content, will be promptly rejected.

The reviewers appointed by M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal also perform a similar plagiarism check and provide recommendations on whether to proceed with the manuscript review. Even after acceptance or post-publication, if any case of plagiarism, duplication, or re-publication of previously published work in any language is identified, the matter is referred to the executive board. A thorough inquiry is conducted, ensuring the concerned authors are given an opportunity to respond.

In cases where there is a violation of the author agreement or serious unethical misconduct related to publishing the work, the published article may be retracted without any refund or adjustment of the manuscript handling fee. The authors’ institution and funding agency will be duly informed in such instances.

Authors hold the responsibility of ensuring the originality of their work and must provide proper attribution and acknowledgment for any content that is not entirely their own. M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal employs Crosscheck/iThenticate to check articles for plagiarism, and any inclusion of plagiarized content is considered a breach of ethical conduct by the authors.

M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal upholds the highest standards of integrity and quality in academic publishing, fostering a culture of originality and responsible authorship.

Open Access Statement

The M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal (MARMCJ) aligns with the BOAI definition of open access, which was initiated in 2001 to provide the public with unrestricted and free access to scholarly research. Our commitment to open access ensures that all published articles are freely available, allowing readers to access, share, and use the content without any restrictions.

To maintain ethical publishing practices, MARMCJ adheres to the guidelines set forth by the Directory of Open Access (DOAJ) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). All articles published in MARMCJ are released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-Share Alike 4.0 International License.

Our open access policy enables readers worldwide to access the scientific content without any charges or barriers. To support the open access initiative, we impose an Article Processing Charge (APC) for manuscript submission instead of charging readers to access the published content. It is important to note that MARMCJ does not imply any submission charges.

By making articles openly accessible, we aim to increase their visibility and impact in the scientific literature. Embracing open access fosters greater citation rates and wider dissemination of knowledge, benefitting the entire research community.