Home Author Guideline

Author Guideline


M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal (MARMCJ) is the official organ of the M Abdur Rahim Medical College, Bangladesh and published twice in a year in the months of March and September. It is recognized by the Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BM&DC). The Journal publishes original articles, review articles, case reports and short communications related to various branches of medical sciences.

Manuscript submission:

The M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal (MARMCJ) publishes papers written in English language. Manuscripts can be submitted both electronically and directly to the office of the M Abdur Rahim Medical College Journal (MARMCJ).   The text, tables and figures should be included in a single Microsoft Word file (preferably in Arial / Times new Roman font). Manuscripts can be submitted at e-mail attachment to the editorial office at: rmjrpmc@gmail.com. Articles are accepted for publication with an understanding that represents an original contribution not previously published (except in the form of an abstract or preliminary report), not being considered for publication elsewhere and if accepted by the journal it will not be published elsewhere in the same form without the consent of the editors. Authors have to declare originality of their work and transfer of copyright to MARMCJ authority using prescribed format.

Organization of Manuscripts:

 The manuscript should be prepared using MS-Word. Three hard copies and a soft copy should be sent to journal email address( djmcjournal@hotmail.com) labeled clearly with the authors’ names, file name, and software program. The manuscript (date, title page, abstract, text, references) should be submitted as one document. All parts of the manuscript should be type written, double-spaced, with margins of at least one inch (2.5 cm) on all sides. Manuscript pages should be numbered consecutively throughout the paper at the bottom right corner of the page. The title page should include full names of authors, academic and/or other professional affiliations, the complete mailing address and e-mail address of the author to whom proofs and correspondence should be sent. Original articles are usually upto 2700 words with maximum upto 05 tables and figures and  40 references. Review articles  should be no more than 2500 words long with upto 05 figures and tables and upto 50 references. Case reports are upto 2000 words long, with maximum of three (3) tables and figures with up to 25 references. Photographs/ photomicrographs/ diagrams should be referred as figures. Generic name of the drug (if any) should be used. Most editorials are solicited, but we are delighted to consider unsolicited editorials of usually upto 750 words which will be externally peer reviewed, with maximum 01 tables and figures and 10 references. Contributions for the personal view column are always welcome and should contain upto 2500 words. Letters to editors should normally be not more than 400 words, with not more than five references. We also receive book review/article review/electronic media review and conference report within 400-800 words and 1000 words respectively. Justified comments on any published article in MARMCJ are also acceptable.

Title page: The title page should include,

i) Complete title of the article

ii) Name of each author with highest academic qualification and signature

iii) Institutional affiliation of each author

iv) Name and address of author responsible for correspondence. Involvement of co-author should be relevant with the study and self-explanatory to the work.

Abstract: Each paper requires a structured abstract (includes Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion and Key words) of not more than 150 words summarizing the significant information and findings. Authors must give from two to four key words that identify the most important subjects covered by the paper. Abbreviations, diagrams and references in the abstract should be avoided.

Text: The body of the text should be divided into the following sections: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results, Discussion and Conclusion.


Surname Initials of Author/Editor. (if it is an editor/editors always put (ed./eds.) after the name)Title: Subtitle. (if present) Edition. (if not the first edition) Place of publication (if there is more than one place listed, use the first named) :Publisher; Year of publication.URL [Date of access]. or DOI. (if electronic)

(Include names of all authors/editors of chapter and book. If you have more than six authors/editors, list only the first six followed by “et al”.)

Mason J. Concepts in dental public health. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins; 2005. (single author & 1st edition)

Fauci AS, Braunwald E, Kasper DL, Hauser SL, Longo DL, Jameson JL, et al., editors. Harrison’s principles of internal medicine. 17th ed. New York: McGraw Hill; 2008. (more than 6 editors)

Grech ED. ABC of interventional cardiology. 2nd ed. Chichester: Wiley blackwell;2011. https://ebookcentral. proquest.com/lib/imperial/detail.action? docID=822522 [Accessed 6th July 2017]. (electronic book)

Canadian Dental Hygienists Association. Dental hygiene: definition and scope. Ottawa: Canadian Dental Hygienists Association; 1995. (Organization as Author )

Scott’s Canadian dental directory 2008. 9th ed. Toronto: Scott’s Directories; 2007. (No author/editor )

Canada. Environmental Health Directorate. Radiation protection in dentistry: recommended safety procedures for the use of dental x-ray equipment. Safety Code 30. Ottawa: Ministry of Health; 2000. (Government Document)

Surname Initials of Author of the chapter. Title of chapter. followed by In:Editor (always put (ed./eds) after the name).Title of book. Edition. (if not the first edition) Place of publication (if there is more than one place listed, use the first named) :Publisher; Year of publication: Page numbers.  URL [Date of access]. or DOI. ( if electronic book)

Moran MJ. Engineering thermodynamics. In: Kreith F, Goswami DY,eds. The CRC handbook of mechanical engineering. 2nd ed. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press; 2005:75 – 81. (Chapter from printed Book)

 Pepi M, Tamborini G. Three-dimensional echocardiography. In: Sarti A, Lorini L, eds. Textbook of Echocardiography for Intensivists and Emergency Physicians. Springer; 2019:57-70. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-99891-6. (Chapter from an eBook)

Surname Initials of Author.Title of article. Title of journal. (abbreviated)  Year of Publication month of publication;  (if month is available mention in initial 3 alphabets )  volume(issue):Page Numbers. URL [Date of access]. or DOI. ( if electronic journal)

 Haas AN, de Castro GD, Moreno T, Susin C, Albandar JM, Oppermann RV, et al. Azithromycin as a adjunctive treatment of aggressive periodontitis: 12-months randomized clinical trial. J Clin Periodontol. 2008 Aug; 35(8): 696-704. (printed Journal)

 Wheelis M. Investigating disease outbreaks under a protocol to the biological and toxin weapons convention. Emerg Infect Dis. 2000 Nov-Dec;6(6):595-600. doi: 10.3201/eid0606.000607. (electronic Journal)

Surname Initials of Author/Editor (use the corporate author if no individual author or editor is named).Title. URL. [Date of access]

European Space Agency. Rosetta: rendezvous with a comet.http://rosetta.esa.int [Accessed 15th June 2015].

Surname Initials of Author/Editor. (if it is an editor always put (ed.) after the name) Title. Organisation. Report number: (this should be followed by the actual number in figures)Year of publication.

Leatherwood S. Whales, dolphins, and porpoises of the western North Atlantic. U.S.Dept. of Commerce. Report number: 63, 2001.

Surname Initials  of Author/corporate author. (Use the full name of NICE at the time of publication e.g. National

Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE)) Title [No. of guideline if available]. Date of publication.URL. (if available) [Date of access]

National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE), Tuberculosis: NICE Guideline[NG33]. 2016.https:// www.nice.org.uk/guidance/ng33/resources/tuberculosis-1837390683589. [Accessed 27th May 2017].

Surname Initials of Editor/Organisation (if an editor/editors always put (ed./eds.) after the name).Title. Place of publication :Publisher; Year of publication.

Edge BL. Coastal engineering 2000: conference proceedings, July 16-21, 2000, Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre,Sydney, Australia. Reston, VA: ASCE; 2001.

Surname Initials of Author. Title of conference paper. followed by In:Editor/Organisation (if an editor/editors always put (ed./eds.) after the name).Title. Place of publication: Publisher; Year of publication Page numbers.

Wittke M. Design, construction, supervision and long-term behaviour of tunnels in swelling rock. In: Van Cotthem A,Charlier R, Thimus JF, Tshibangu JP. (eds.) Eurock2006: multiphysics coupling and long term behaviour in rock

mechanics: proceedings of the International Symposium of the International Society for Rock Mechanics, EUROCK2006,9-12 May 2006, Liège, Belgium. London: Taylor & Francis; 2006:27-29.

Surname Initials of Author.Title.Type of thesis.Academic institution:Year of publication

Leckenby RJ. Dynamic characterisation and fluid flow modelling of fractured reservoirs. PhD thesis. Imperial College London; 2005.

Ethical Approval:

The authors should mention the name of the ethical approval authority of their study in Materials and Methods section, if the study has been done on human subjects, laboratory samples or laboratory animals. Manuscript based on the study involving human subjects should have been conducted in accordance to the ethical standards laid down in the ‘1964 Declaration of Helsinki’ revised in the year 2000.  


Acknowledgement, if any, should be placed at the end of the body of the text and be limited to no more than 100 words. This section may be used to acknowledge the help of those who do not qualify for authorship or to acknowledge funding, donated resources, or significant material contributions to the research.


Illustrations submitted (line drawings, photos, photomicrographs etc) should be clean originals or digital files. Digital files are recommended for highest quality reproduction and should follow these guidelines: – 300 dpi or higher – sized to fit on journal page – JPG and GIF formats are preferred – should be submitted as separate files, not embedded in text files.

Tables and Figures:

 Tables should be embedded in the text. All figures should be included as one separate sheet or file. A short descriptive title should appear above each table with a clear legend and any footnotes suitably identified below. All units must be included. Figures should be completely labeled, taking into account necessary size reduction. Captions should be typed, double-spaced, on a separate sheet. All original figures should be clearly marked in pencil on the reverse side with the number, author’s name and edge indicated.


For uniformity of style, authors should use symbols for footnotes such as  *.